Eagle Engineering are committed to comply with the most exacting customer needs and provide satisfaction through prompt supply of high quality products, at the right time, in the right quantity and at the right price. We are meet customer's requirements for all range of high quality fasteners by supplying International Quality Products meeting all the requirements and continually improve business effectiveness through optimisation of process.

The Quality team is also responsible for maintaining all certifications from our suppliers. Certifications are kept on file for our customers to meet dimensional, material and mechanical properties as required by specifications and customer requirements. Quality also performs internal audits to assure compliance to our strict quality guidelines. Our customers recognize and appreciate that they are getting high quality fasteners.

  • High quality fasteners guarantee high safety levels.
  • High quality fasteners have good coatings that protect against corrosion, which reduces the requirement for rust damage inspections.
  • High quality fasteners significantly affect life cycle costs. In the long run, they save you money.